"No Doubt We're In The Last Days" News
MONTREAL, September 10, 2004 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Pregnant mothers from Quebec whose unborn children are beyond 24 weeks gestation, are being sent to Wichita, Kansas for late-term abortions, at the private clinic of controversial abortionist George Tiller. Each procedure costs Canadian taxpayers at least $5000.00 U.S. and the procedure entails mortal danger not only for the unborn child but also for the mother.
While late-term abortions are not illegal in Quebec, there are few abortionists willing to commit the gruesome procedure, especially since the unborn child is fully formed at the late stage of pregnancy and can in most cases survive outside the womb from 21 weeks gestation.
"Most unborn children at that advanced stage of pregnancy can survive outside the womb. Why are we spending $5000.00 US for an elective abortion when health dollars are so tight?" asked Gillian Long of Campaign Life Coalition .
Last year 30 Quebec late-term abortions were committed in Kansas and New York. So far this year from April to August, nine women have been sent to Kansas for abortions.
Quebec Health Minister Philippe Couillard admitted this morning that the majority of the 30 abortions were done because of "congential malformations". Jim Hughes, National President of Campaign Life Coalition stated, "Instead of protecting the basic human right to life of the unborn, abortions are being done as a modern and politically correct form of eugenics."
LifeSiteNews.com spoke with Troy Newman of the U.S. pro-life group Operation Rescue West. Newman keeps close tabs on Tiller's clinic and was shocked that Canada would entrust its citizens to "Tiller the Killer" for care. Newman noted that Tiller "has been dubbed ‘Tiller the Killer’ not only for his abortion business, but also for the frequency with which women are sent to hospital by ambulance after receiving his abortion services." As recently as September 2, Newman snapped photographic evidence of a woman being rushed by ambulance to hospital from Tiller's abortuary.
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