August 2003 |

August 2003

J , 6/2/2003 : Detroit, MI - Believing it’s only molecular evidence that makes the difference, Dr. Morris Goodman of Wayne State University wants to make chimpanzees equal with humans by adding them to the genus Homo . A genus is a group of closely related species. Homo sapiens...Read more
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Survey of “Abrahamic” faiths wp-dyn/articles/A15516-2003Aug2.htmlRead more
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On billboards the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PE TA ) are promoting the notion that "Jesus was a vegetarian." Clearly, their main goal is to sway people to their cause, using any means possible. The Bible has much to say in opposition to this idea, something with...Read more
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The influence of Alcoholics Anonymous has been tremendous in promoting the belief that habitual heavy drinking is a “disease” of alcoholism. In spite of the fact that there is no clear etiology for the disease, most people now assume alcoholism is indeed a disease. Dr. Herbert Fingarette, a professor at...Read more
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