August 2003 |

August 2003

Not long after leaving my screenwriting career in Hollywood, I was hired to assist on a documentary produced by a Christian film company. The subject was Mormonism and the company’s initial screenings were not very successful. They hoped that my film experience and input would help improve the project. I...Read more
feature article
Labor of Love The Bible teaches that there is nothing we can do for our salvation beyond simply believing the gospel. Eternal life can be obtained only by receiving Christ by grace through faith. Period. It cannot be of works. On the other hand, once we have been saved there...Read more
tbc notes
Dear TBC, Thanks for all the teachings thru the years….A friend shared The Berean Call with me—one of the best gifts I’ve ever received! Dave, I heard you speak and was touched to see and hear your kind of “Grandfatherly” love. I pray for your continued protection and well-being, as...Read more
Chicago Tribune 7/6/03 [Excerpts from More literary woes for Mormon elders]: It has been a difficult literary summer for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Not only has the celebrated writer Jon Krakauer parsed the church’s violent history in Under the Banner of Heaven , but so have...Read more
news alert
Question: Doesn’t Calvin’s assertion that the children of the elect are automatically elect open up a huge can of worms? In thousands if not millions of family trees there must be at least one believer—that is, one person who, perhaps centuries ago, by Calvin’s definition, was one of the elect...Read more
question and answer
Question: In your June article you took a rather dim view of the “road map to peace” that the U.S., EU, UN and Russia are promoting in the Middle East. Yet real progress is being made between Israel and the Palestinians. Isn’t there some hope for genuine peace over there,...Read more
question and answer
Question: The most obvious fallacy of your book, What Love Is This? , is its denial to God of the freedom to choose whom and in what way He will love. John MacArthur, J.I. Packer and others have pointed out that we may love in different ways and degrees (love...Read more
question and answer
Question: What about the observance by Muslims of Ramadan today? President Bush honored it, as did Clinton and others before him. You said last month that the hajj simply carries on pagan practices. But isn’t the Holy Month of Ramadan with its fasting between sunrise and sunset purely Islamic? Answer:...Read more
question and answer
Question [composite of several]: I must disagree with your very excellent article on “One Thing” [May ’02] in which you said concerning the rich young ruler, “The issue was not the young man’s salvation , but rather service to Christ.” In fact, salvation is in view and not service, for...Read more
question and answer
In some circles, the fear of controversy is so great that preachers, and congregations following after them, will settle for peace at any cost—even at the cost of the truth, God’s truth. The idea is that peace is all important. Peace is a biblical ideal ( Rom:12:18 If it be...Read more
