January 2004 | thebereancall.org

January 2004

Psychotherapies and their underlying psychologies constitute religion rather than science . In attempting to change the inner man, they intrude into God’s territory. They contradict and interfere with God’s means of transforming the inner man. By offering various other means of change, they subvert the Gospel and bypass the Cross...Read more
TBC Today
Islam is and always has been a religion of intolerance, a jihad without an end. Despite the way the apologists would like to depict it, Islam was spread by the sword and has been maintained by the sword throughout its history. William Muir, one of the greatest orientalists of all...Read more
TBC Today
Tuesday, Dec 09, 2003 Mercury News The woman in the videotape is relaxing in a warm bath, eyes closed, almost trancelike. Soft music plays in the background as her partner pours a steady stream of warm water over her swollen belly. She shifts and moves in the water, letting out...Read more
TBC Today
Friday, December 05, 2003 By David Lee Miller NEW YORK — If a Christmas tree can stand in a school's halls during the holidays, then a model of baby Jesus and his manger should also be welcomed, contends a Queens, N.Y., mother who is going to court to prove her...Read more
TBC Today
According to the great yogis, a mantra is a sound vibration...that embodies a spirit being. Remember when young people started talking about “vibes”? The repetition of the mantra is a call to the demon it represents to possess the meditator! One of Maharishi’s proudest claims is that the meditator doesn’t...Read more
TBC Today
Despite increases in wealth, disparity between the wealthy and poor would continue to increase ( Revelation:6:6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the...Read more
TBC Today
Man says: [On occasion, some high-powered evangelists are quite frank about their lack of integrity]: "...sometimes an evangelist might misunderstand the problem. He might have someone demonstrate a healing by bending over to touch their toes when they didn't have a problem bending over in the first place. The audience...Read more
TBC Today
Man Says: The Dateline program on NBC asked Benny Hinn's ministry to provide confirmation of the 56 cases of healing that were claimed at one of his crusades. Hinn's people came up with only five cases of what they called "irrefutable and medically proven miracles." When Dateline researched these five...Read more
TBC Today
The “Quartet” of Bush, Putin, UN, and EU is determined, through a division of land, to bring a “just and lasting peace” into the Middle East between Israel and her neighbors. Assuming they are sincere and not just working for their own interests, their mental state must be on a...Read more
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