August 2004 |

August 2004

[The Miami Herald (USA), July 3, 2004] “...spiritual fusion isn't as easy as whipping up Cuban Chinese or Jamaican Indian. DIFFERENT WORLDS On almost every level, the two doctrines clash. Christianity holds that a divine creator fashioned the Earth in seven days; Buddhists believe the universe -- thought to be...Read more
TBC Today
Revisionism is active on many fronts. While excavations in Israel have done much to confirm the historicity of the Bible, a number of revisionist archaeologists have arisen to challenge that same historicity. A great many arguments hinge on the “argument from silence.” In other words, because there is a scarcity...Read more
TBC Today
This is the pdf version of the August 2004 The Berean Call .Read more
We have discussed in the past the deadly religious materialism known as sacramentalism: the belief that material things and rituals channel God’s grace and spiritual power to men. Such is the serious error of “transubstantiation,” the idea that the Roman Catholic clergy can and must change wafers and wine into...Read more
feature article
Dave's Dilemma We covet your prayers for Dave as he takes off on a rather extensive international speaking schedule. He will be gone most of the time from August through December. Another way you can help Dave during this time period is to refrain from writing specifically to him. We’re...Read more
tbc notes
Dear Brother Dave, I can say somewhat with relish that you are pretty much anathema here….You are called “that trouble maker.” Tragically, the growth here is radically away from the inerrant Word and increasingly toward experiential “Christianity” with advertised healings, creature comforts, wealth, etc…. Perpetual kudos for raising [Christ's] true...Read more
Omaha World Herald, 6/24/2004: Washington—More than a dozen law-makers attended a congressional reception this year honoring the Rev. Sun Myung Moon where he declared himself the Messiah and said his teachings have helped Hitler and Stalin be “reborn as new persons.” At the March 23 ceremony in the Dirksen Senate...Read more
news alert
Question: Isaiah 65 from verse 17 onwards seems to be about the Millennium. You have said, “ Israel is the earthly people and kingdom; the church is the heavenly.” Does this mean there will be no church during the Millennium? I had always assumed I would be there. Am I...Read more
question and answer
