October 2004 | thebereancall.org

October 2004

This is the pdf version of the October 2004 The Berean Call .Read more
Today’s church is experiencing two new and deadly influences: “biblical” marketing and “biblical” movies. Nothing in recent history has impacted evangelical Christian churches as pervasively and powerfully as these phenomena. “Biblical” marketing is an attempt to use the latest sales concepts and marketing principles to attract the lost in the...Read more
feature article
The Christian who has dedicated his life to God…will discover that the ways of God and the ways of men are not equal…. [Man’s] tried and proven methods for getting things done will fail him when he attempts to apply them to the work of the Spirit. The new Adam...Read more
tbc extra
Help Us to Stay on Task Sometimes we need your help to do what the Lord has called us to. Although we love to hear what you’re thinking about and what your concerns are, there are a few things we would like to share: 1.) Please do not send books,...Read more
tbc notes
To The Berean Call Staff, Thank you for your book The Nonnegotiable Gospel . I don’t remember how I got it or how long I’ve had it. But I finally read it! You really cleared away “the brush” and made the sweet clover accessible to all. Jesus said that His...Read more
The Barna Update , 7/10/04 [Excerpts]: Mel Gibson’s controversial movie about the last twelve hours of the life of Jesus, The Passion of the Christ , stunned the movie industry by becoming the eighth highest-grossing domestic film of all time. Much of that success can be attributed to the fervent...Read more
news alert
Question (from an anonymous “concerned” Catholic ): I have noticed with a great deal of growing alarm your singular obsession with the Spanish branch of the Inquisition…and this most especially in your debates. It is my fondest and most ardent prayer that the information enclosed herein you will actually read...Read more
question and answer
