October 2004 | thebereancall.org

October 2004

Question: Where does the apostate ecumenical church fit into the events of the last days? Answer: The Antichrist is not an atheist or irreligious. On the contrary, he causes the Jewish temple in Jerusalem to be rebuilt and the sacrifices to be resumed. Of course, his intention is to double-cross...Read more
question and answer
Question: Is it biblically wrong to watch or to own The Lord of the Rings or any of that series? Answer: This series is all about occult powers—some from evil creatures and some from supposedly good beings or spirits. The rings themselves supposedly have “magic” powers, but this is outright...Read more
question and answer
Question (from a Muslim): Doctors tell me that I have cancer and only 2 months to live. I am only 45 years old and know nothing about God. Is Muhammad alive and can I trust him and pray to him? Is Jesus alive and can I appeal to Him? How...Read more
question and answer
[Explaining why the early Christians faced such fierce opposition] : [Their] religion…was exclusive . It denied…every article of heathen mythology, the existence of every object of their worship. It accepted no compromise….It must…overthrow every statue, altar, and temple in the world. It [cannot] be said that a design so bold...Read more
