November 2004 |

November 2004

Evolve This! Science curriculum decision in Pennsylvania may be a first 21 October 2004 The Dover Area School Board (southern Pennsylvania , USA ) voted on Monday evening to require the teaching of intelligent design in its public school science classes. As far as we know, it is the first...Read more
TBC Today
Be Not Conformed to this World SPECIAL EXCERPT FROM THE UPCOMING TBC DEVOTIONAL CALENDAR, “APPLES OF GOLD .” April 16 We are not told that Joseph or David, for example, needed deep emotional healing in the areas of identity and rejection. They found their comfort and joy in the Lord,...Read more
TBC Today
Islam ’s Peace The familiar term jihad , often translated holy war , literally means struggle. Many Muslims emphasize that jihad is about struggling against evil desires and, if necessary, defending one’s homeland and religious heritage. "Fight for the sake of God those that fight against you, but do not...Read more
TBC Today
Whadaya Expect From A Miraculous Book? For many centuries, man considered the seashore as little more than a shallow, sandy extension that went from one continent to another. Then, in 1873 a group of British scientists carrying out research in the Pacific Ocean discovered a “recess” (trench) 35,800 feet deep...Read more
TBC Today
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