November 2004 |

November 2004

Question: I’ve heard prophecy teachers say that New York (and perhaps even America as a whole) is “mystery Babylon,” the woman riding the beast in Revelation 17 and 18. They point to the evil of America, the Statue of Liberty (a pagan goddess) guarding New York harbor and supposedly blessing...Read more
question and answer
Question: You said that the blood of Jesus shed during the beatings by Roman soldiers was not efficacious for our salvation but that the blood shed on the cross was. Since that, too, was caused by Roman soldiers driving nails into His hands and feet, and a Roman spear piercing...Read more
question and answer
Question: Hank Hanegraaff states that “All the promises to Israel have already been fulfilled according to Joshua:21:43-45 [43] And the LORD gave unto Israel all the land which he sware to give unto their fathers; and they possessed it, and dwelt therein. [44] And the LORD gave them rest round...Read more
question and answer
Question: Why do the terrorists behead the hostages? Is that just for the effect it causes, the horror and fear it creates, or is there some other reason? Answer: There is a precise reason: beheading is prescribed by the Qur’an for the purpose of forcing the entire world into submission...Read more
question and answer
Let me state the cause of my burden. It is this: Jesus Christ has today almost no authority among the groups that call themselves by His name.... “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name” is the church’s national anthem and the cross is her official flag, but in the week-by-week...Read more
En el libro de Mateo 22:34-40 leemos: "Los fariseos se reunieron al oír que Jesús había hecho callar a los saduceos. Uno de ellos, experto en la ley, le tendió una trampa con ésta pregunta: Maestro, ¿cuál es el mandamiento más importante de la ley? "Ama al Señor tu Dios...Read more
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