June 2005 | thebereancall.org

June 2005

No solamente los escépticos y ateos pero también muchos de los que se llaman cristianos se quejan muy frecuentemente diciendo: "¿Por qué Dios no hizo un mundo perfecto sin pecado, sin sufrimiento y sin muerte? Si Él es tan poderoso, seguramente que pudo haberlo hecho si así lo hubiera deseado"...Read more
feature article
This is the pdf version of the July 2005 The Berean Call .Read more
[ TBC : The following are excerpts from the June 6, 2005 , edition of the Middle East Media Research Institute (which monitors Islamic publications), providing further evidence of ongoing anti-Jewish sentiments in the Middle East .] "Here is the Real Jew!" Columnist for the ultra-nationalist daily Ortadogu Selcuk Duzgun,...Read more
TBC Today
[Excerpts from The Boston Center for Adult Education Special Events listing] Contacting the Other Side: An Evening with Psychic John Holland Back By Popular Demand! Join renowned psychic medium John Holland as he explains and demonstrates how his abilities enable him to open the link with loved ones who have...Read more
TBC Today
Christian bookstore sells Harry Potter Most religious shops avoid the popular novels [Excerpts] Walk into the Logos Bookstore in Oak Park, Ill., and you’ll find Bibles, the “Left Behind” novels and a lot of other works you’d expect at a Christian shop. But go to the children’s section, through a...Read more
TBC Today
Find religion in 'Star Wars,' many do [Excerpts] ORLANDO, Fla. - To some Christian viewers, the climactic tableau of "Star Wars: Episode III -(KRT) - Revenge of the Sith" could be a slightly off-kilter Nativity scene: A wise man rides in from the desert on a camel-like creature. He presents...Read more
TBC Today
Another discredited chart used by evolutionists is that showing the development of the horse from Eohippus to modern horses. The following selection of quotes show how an idea becomes entrenched and continues to be promoted in even in some of today’s public school textbooks. "The ancestral family tree of the...Read more
TBC Today
In recent years, touted evidences of evolution have been shown to be fakes. Examples include Haeckel’s drawings of embryonic development and Kettlewell’s photos of peppered moths. On a personal note, my wife’s grandmother was a teacher for many years. We have many of her books, including a textbook with a...Read more
TBC Today
Med student starts new religion claiming no absolute truths [Excerpts] BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -Ford Vox started a religion in his spare time. He calls it Universism and is recruiting atheists, deists, freethinkers and others who can rally around the notion that no universal religious truth exists and that the meaning of...Read more
TBC Today
"Quebec rejects introduction of Sharia law into legal system in the province." QUEBEC - Quebec has rejected the use of Islamic tribunals, which can be used to settle family disputes, in the province. In a unanimous vote Thursday, the Quebec legislature passed a motion against allowing Sharia law to be...Read more
TBC Today
