"Quebec rejects introduction of Sharia law into legal system in the province."
QUEBEC - Quebec has rejected the use of Islamic tribunals, which can be used to settle family disputes, in the province.
In a unanimous vote Thursday, the Quebec legislature passed a motion against allowing Sharia law to be used in the legal system.
"The application of Sharia in Canada is part of a strategy to isolate the Muslim community, so it will submit to an archaic vision of Islam," said Fatima Houda-Pepin, the Liberal member of the legislature, as she introduced the motion.
"These demands are being pushed by groups in the minority that are using the Charter of Rights to attack the foundation of our democratic institutions."
The debate over Sharia law surfaced in Canada two years ago when a Muslim group in Ontario proposed the arbitration of family disputes according to Islamic law (Canada's "Macleans," May 27, 2005).