November 2005 |

November 2005

HBO's "Protocols of Zion" [Excerpts] By Steven Stalinsky This month marks the 100 year anniversary of the first printing of the infamous anti-Semitic forgery, "Protocols of the Elders of Zion." The anniversary will be commemorated throughout the world including a two day conference at Boston University's Elie Wiesel Center for...Read more
TBC Today
Seized Letter Outlines Al Qaeda Goals in Iraq [Excerpts] Al Qaeda's top deputy urged the leader of his Iraq branch in July to prepare for the inevitable U.S. withdrawal by carrying out political as well as military actions, and he lectured him that he risked being shunned by an Islamic...Read more
TBC Today
Only when Americans realize that Islamists intend to replace the U.S. Constitution with Shari'a will they enter final era of war [Excerpts]: A courageous speech by George W. Bush last week began a new era in what he calls the "war on terror." To comprehend its full significance requires some...Read more
TBC Today
Understanding Peter Singer and Combating Singerism Peter Singer, the Princeton professor of ethics . . . sees no ethical problem with polyamory, bestiality, necrophilia or some kinds of infanticide. Readers frequently asked questions concerning past and future: How did the individual called by The New Yorker today's "most influential" philosopher...Read more
TBC Today
The Times October 05, 2005 Catholic Church no longer swears by truth of the Bible [Excerpts] By Ruth Gledhill, Religion Correspondent THE hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church has published a teaching document instructing the faithful that some parts of the Bible are not actually true. The Catholic bishops of...Read more
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Author Accuses Christian Publisher of Dabbling in 'New Age' Spirituality (AgapePress) - A leading Christian publisher of youth ministry material is being accused of introducing young people to practices rooted in New Age Eastern spirituality. [On September 29] the 2005 National Youth Workers Conference [began] in Sacramento, California, but not...Read more
TBC Today
Lodi man says he can heal the sick, increase gas mileage [Excerpts] When customers enter Denis' Country Kitchen, owner Denis Xenos often asks them how they're doing. A typical greeting by a business person, but if the customer says something like, "My back is hurting me," Xenos will give an...Read more
TBC Today
Fetuses found at Bogota airport Police said the fetuses might have been meant for Satanic rituals Colombian police have found the bodies of three human foetuses hidden in statues destined for the United States . The discovery was made by officers searching for contraband at Bogota Airport on Tuesday. The...Read more
TBC Today
Christian icon or kitschy eyesore? [Excerpts] MIDDLETOWN, Ohio -- Shake every kudzu vine across America's southern Bible belt, and no glow-in-the-dark plastic Jesus quite like Ohio's mega-messiah will ever pop out. Nicknamed "Super Savior," the 62-foot-tall statue of Christ looms over land reclaimed from a cornfield. It dominates a once-deadly...Read more
TBC Today
[TBC: We have previously noted the Islamic practice of lying to achieve a goal. Here is another perspective.] Deceit, Thy Name Is Islamism 03/13/2005 In Islam , lying or omissions for the 'greater good,' according to a strict or radical Islam /Islamist philosophy is not only acceptable, it is holy...Read more
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