November 2005 |

November 2005

[ TBC : Cults such as Mormonism have been known to have convenient revelations as the following article discusses. In Mormonism , this was referred to as the Word of Wisdom. Consider these excerpts from a Mormon website discussing how revelation developed.] Early pioneers eased into Word of Wisdom It...Read more
TBC Today
Those committed to the theory of evolution must on occasion acknowledge difficulties which crop up. The . . . discovery of one of the most complete skeletons of an australopithecine since "Lucy" has cast serious doubts on the current theories of human origins. The 2.6 million year old fossil of...Read more
TBC Today
Comments of a writer who identifies himself as "not a creationist." Evolution also suffers from the problem that many putative sequences which look logical based on the progression of one set of anatomical characteristics suddenly look illogical when attention is switched to another set. For example, the lungfish superficially seems...Read more
TBC Today
"If a fragment of stone were found in Italy, another in Asia Minor, another in Greece, another in Egypt, and on and on until sixty-six fragments had been found, and if when put together they fitted perfectly together, making a perfect statue of Venus de Milo, there is not an...Read more
TBC Today
People forget that there was a time when many skeptics and scholars doubted the existence of a Roman Governor (or Prefect) named Pontius Pilate, the one who presided over Jesus' trial and crucifixion. In June 1961 a team of Italian archaeologists directed by Dr. Antonio Frova were engaged in excavating...Read more
TBC Today
"Little by little, one city after another, one civilization after another, one culture after another, whose memories were enshrined only in the Bible, were restored to their proper places in ancient history by the studies of archaeologists... Contemporary records of biblical events emphasized by contrast and comparison . . ...Read more
TBC Today
Europe's Native-Born Enemy [Excerpts] Last Nov. 2 Theo van Gogh, Dutch filmmaker and descendant of the painter, was cycling through Amsterdam. He was accosted by Mohammed Bouyeri, who shot him six times as van Gogh pleaded, "We can still talk about it! Don't do it!" Bouyeri then cut his throat...Read more
TBC Today
The Beachhead How a Mosque for Ex-Nazis Became Center of Radical Islam Documents Reveal Triumph By Muslim Brotherhood In Postwar Munich [Excerpts] MUNICH , Germany -- North of this prosperous city of engineers and auto makers is an elegant mosque with a slender minaret and a turquoise dome. A stand...Read more
TBC Today
Dumbing down the War on Islamic Terror Our enemies think they are fighting a war, but even after London, do we? [The recent] atrocity in London, like last year's in Madrid, added dozens more to the toll of those murdered by Islamic terrorists. But for all of the sympathy generated...Read more
TBC Today
For a Decade, London Thrived as a Busy Crossroads of Terror [Excerpts] LONDON, July 9 - Long before bombings ripped through London on Thursday, Britain had become a breeding ground for hate, fed by a militant version of Islam . For two years, extremists like Sheik Omar Bakri Mohammed, a...Read more
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