May 2006 |

May 2006

TARAHUMARA CHRISTIANS PERSECUTED April 17, 2006 by Ian Fallis CHIHUAHUA, Mexico: Seventy-five Tarahumara believers are finding themselves unwelcome in their own community. The Tarahumaras number about 10,000, spread out into several communities in the mountains of northern Mexico. Fernando is a church leader and teacher in one area. "They are...Read more
TBC Today
TBC: The advance of science has not been a friend to evolution. Since "presumption" plays a significant role in formulating evolutionary theory, recent discoveries have roughly handled some evolutionary presumptions about simpler life forms. 'More genes' needed to make life [Excerpts] By Paul Rincon BBC News science reporter Scientists trying...Read more
TBC Today
[ TBC : This short essay from the beginning of the 1900s touches upon something which afflicts us today. Liberals frequently cry out "censorship" when a professor is disciplined for teaching something contrary to biblical principles in a Bible School . These same advocates for freedom show no restraint when...Read more
TBC Today
This Barna Research survey taken in late 2003 showed that just 4% of America 's adult population and 9% of born again Christians had a biblical worldview. The numbers were even lower among other religious classifications: Protestants (7%), adults who attend mainline Protestant churches (2%) and Catholics (less than one-half...Read more
TBC Today
The Muslim world's new martyrs It's one of today's most compelling news stories, yet it's all but ignored by most of the international media. I'm talking about the growing persecution of Christian minorities in the Islamic world. It briefly made headlines last month when machete-armed Egyptian fanatics attacked worshipers in...Read more
TBC Today
TBC: Several new age proponents such as J. Z. Knight have put together a low budget film ("What the Bleep do You Know?") which has done a lot of business in video rentals. Knight channels an entity known as Ramtha. The movie tries to create the idea that what is...Read more
TBC Today
