May 2006 |

May 2006

Faith & Values: Grace Chapel invites teens to take it to extreme [Excerpts] Grace Chapel has a sign reading "First Century Living in the Twenty-first Century" at its entrance. "Our church is about how we love kids. We particularly felt we needed to have an outreach to those kids who...Read more
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Freshmen required to undergo homosexual indoctrination {Excerpts] With last week's stunning revelations that the entire faculty of a Midwestern university campus voted without dissent to investigate a Christian librarian for "sexual harassment" simply because he recommended the bestselling book "The Marketing of Evil," many are asking why not a single...Read more
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Comedy Central Censored Mohammed I'm not sure if it's been reported yet, but for what it's worth, I just got off the phone with a Comedy Central spokesman. I asked him about last night's episode of South Park in which, at a moment right before the prophet Mohammed was supposed...Read more
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"Go ye therefore into all the world and trick them into the Kingdom of Heaven with hospitality, affection and raucous entertainment?" Is that the Great Commission? Did Jesus tempt His followers two thousand years ago with promises of bread and fish to drop by and hear His Sermon on the...Read more
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Monday's ["Religion News Service"] reports that the largest-ever church unity group was launched on Friday: Leaders of 34 U.S. church bodies have officially launched the broadest-ever Christian unity organization in American history, and said fighting poverty will be its first priority. Christian Churches Together in the USA was formally inaugurated...Read more
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Most of the world today not only is in denial concerning the truly appalling likely consequences of the rise of radical Islam , it often refuses to even accept unambiguous evidence of its existence. The latest minor example of the latter is occurring at University of North Carolina at Chapel...Read more
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