Monday's ["Religion News Service"] reports that the largest-ever church unity group was launched on Friday: Leaders of 34 U.S. church bodies have officially launched the broadest-ever Christian unity organization in American history, and said fighting poverty will be its first priority. Christian Churches Together in the USA was formally inaugurated on Friday (March 31) after a three-day meeting outside Atlanta. A public kickoff is scheduled at the group's scheduled meeting next February. The looseknit group brings together five Christian "families" who have long been divided by historical and theological differences, including Catholics, mainline Protestants, evangelicals and Pentecostals, historically black churches and Orthodox churches. Together, the five "families" represent more than 100 million American Christians. The nation's largest Protestant body, the Southern Baptist Convention, has said it will not participate.
(Religion News Service, April 6, 2006)
[TBC: According to their spokesman, "We finally found the courage to confront our obvious and longstanding divisions and to build a new expression of unity . . . that will strengthen our mission in the world." Since the only way to confront their divisions is to jettison the Bible and its biblical gospel, the only thing that will be strengthened is the pace of the apostasy.]