November 2006 |

November 2006

Die Hauptgefahr, die im kommenden Jahrhundert vorherrscht, wird Religion ohne den Heiligen Geist sein, Christentum ohne Christus, Vergebung ohne Buße, Erlösung ohne Wiedergeburt, Politik ohne Gott, Himmel ohne Hölle. William Booth , Begründer der Heilsarmee, in am Ende der Jahre 1800 Indem du die ganze Last deiner Sünde dem vollendeten...Read more
Seit dem 31. Oktober 1517 sind nun beinahe 500 Jahre vergangen. Wir brauchen eine neue Reformation - dieses Mal biblischer und vollständiger. Wir ertrinken in „politischer Korrektheit." Wir haben vorher einen Präsidenten gehabt, der „ist" nicht definieren konnte, nun haben wir einen, der hartnäckig darauf besteht, dem Islam „friedliche Absichten"...Read more
feature article
Israel haters celebrate Democrat gains [Excerpts] Arab citizens of Israel and their "Palestinian" cousins expressed pleasure at the blow America ’s voters delivered to President George W. Bush November 8, when Democrats became the majority party in the House of Representatives. Arab Knesset member Ahmed Tibi, a senior advisor to...Read more
TBC Today
Muslims Using 2006 Vote to Gear Up for 2008 [Excerpts] Saadia Chaudhury . . . . is excited to vote. "I don't even know" who the candidates are in her Maryland district, she says with a slightly embarrassed laugh. "I just know I'm voting for Democrats." Muslim American voters, angered...Read more
TBC Today
Clearly, when you stand for nothing - you'll fall for anything. The biggest sin you can commit in the Church today is to insist on an adherence to scriptural truth. Truth divides, love unifies! I'm afraid that the "love" being promoted in the name of unity today is not love...Read more
TBC Today
Muslim teacher in carol concert tirade is made Ofsted inspector [Excerpts] A hardline Muslim teacher who caused a furor by denouncing pupils for celebrating Christmas has been made a Government schools inspector. Israr Khan's Ofsted appointment was described by a former colleague as 'absolutely astonishing'. Mr Khan, now headmaster of...Read more
TBC Today
