November 2006 |

November 2006

It is now nearly 500 years since October 31, 1517. We need a new Reformation—this time more biblical and thorough. We are drowning in “political correctness.” Having changed from a president who couldn’t define “is,” we have one who persists in calling Islam “peace” in the face of mountains of...Read more
feature article
Pope set to bring back Latin Mass that divided the Church [Excerpts] THE Pope is taking steps to revive the ancient tradition of the Latin Tridentine Mass in Catholic churches worldwide, according to sources in Rome . Pope Benedict XVI is understood to have signed a universal indult -- or...Read more
TBC Today
[TBC: We have noted in the past how for the sake of Western Media, the PLO has put forth the message that they are finally going to recognize the right of Israel to exist. The message in Arabic is not the same. Here is another example:] Video Catches Abbas Contradicting...Read more
TBC Today
20,000 scientists, of whom about 2,700 of them are physicists, geophysicists, climatologists, meteorologists, oceanographers or environmental scientists, who are in a position to understand the global warming issues, have signed the following statement: There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses...Read more
TBC Today
[TBC: In the Trinity Broadcasting Network newsletter, Jan Crouch related an experience containing elements quite common to the occult (fear, disembodied voices, levitation).] "It happened last Wednesday. 'Jan,' I heard a voice say. 'Yes,' I responded, looking around…. 'Hello.' I heard nothing. 'Hello, is someone there? Did someone call me?'...Read more
TBC Today
Fuller Seminary profs support gay couples and affirm heterosexual marriage in classroom and IVP book [Excerpts] Is it possible for a Christian to affirm monogamous heterosexual marriage as the biblical pattern and simultaneously argue that a monogamous, gay union is "authentic sexuality?" Fuller Theological Seminary professors Jack O. Balswick and...Read more
TBC Today
This is the pdf version of the November 2006 The Berean Call .Read more
