May 2007 |

May 2007

Pakistan Christians Demand Help [Excerpts] The warning has terrorised Christians in Charsadda. Christians in northwest Pakistan are demanding government protection following threats of bomb attacks if they do not become Muslims. An unsigned letter received 10 days ago said they had to convert by Thursday. Militants have been carrying out...Read more
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Planned Parenthood Threatens to Sue Undercover Activist [Excerpts] Planned Parenthood of Los Angeles is threatening to sue a student pro-life activist who recorded an abortion clinic employee encouraging her to lie about her age to avoid being reported as a victim of statutory rape. Lila Rose, an 18-year-old sophomore at...Read more
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Amid Burst of Fervor, Pope Canonizes a Brazilian [Excerpts] SÃO PAULO, Brazil, May 11 - After canonizing Brazil's first native-born saint [St. Sebastian] and receiving a bracing dose of Brazilian-style religious fervor at an outdoor Mass, Pope Benedict XVI called Friday for more forceful evangelization throughout Latin America to counter...Read more
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[TBC: While "The Secret" continues to command attention in the world, the professing Church has its own version of "The Power of Positive Thinking." Consider these excerpts from a "prophetic" website]: "3. We need to be aware of the confessions we make. If we listen to the enemy’s lies and...Read more
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Iraqi Assyrian Refugees Flocking to Sweden [Excerpts] One afternoon in September last year Saed's eleven year old son disappeared. A few ours later the phone rang. They called themselves Muhammed's army and they demanded 400,000 dollars for releasing the boy. This was money that Saed did not have and did...Read more
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