October 2007 | thebereancall.org

October 2007

Hay muchas pruebas, que nadie puede refutar, que atestigua que la Biblia es la Palabra del Dios verdadero, quien es el Creador de la humanidad y del indescriptible universo en el cual nos encontramos nosotros. Aunque los centenares de profecías encontradas en la Biblia son prueba irrefutable, la más sorprendente...Read more
feature article
Pakistani Catholics, Muslims flock by thousands to Marian shrine [Excerpts] For 10 years, Zakir Hussain and his wife consulted gynecologists and even visited clairvoyants to see how they could have children. Now the father of two sons, Hussain shared the secret of their success. "Not medicine, but Mary answered our...Read more
TBC Today
FRAGE : Im F&A vom August sagten sie hinsichtlich Mart de Haan, dass Gott Israel nie Seinen Sohn nannte. Aber in 2 Mose 4,22-23 sagt Gott, Israel „ist mein erstgeborener Sohn". In Jeremia 31,9 wird Ephraim Gottes „Erstgeborener" genannt, aber in Joshua 17,1 ist Manasse der Erstgeborene. Römer 8,29 nennt...Read more
question and answer
Hier bin ich Herr, sende mich; sende mich zu den Enden der Erde; sende mich zu den raubeinigen, wilden Heiden in der Wüste [weit weg] von allem... irdischen Komfort... ja bis zum Tod selbst; wenn es nur in Deinem Dienst ist und Dein Königreich voranbringt.... Jetzt da ich sterbe, erkläre...Read more
Some Evangelical Leaders Go Green As Skepticism Lingers [Excerpts] When Bishop Harry Jackson saw melting glaciers and devastated forests on a recent trip to Alaska, he decided that global warming should be a higher priority on his list of key issues for evangelicals. "I thought the globe was warming, but...Read more
TBC Today
Und er sprach zum Menschen: »Siehe, die Furcht des Herrn, das ist Weisheit, und vom Bösen weichen, das ist Einsicht!« - Hiob 28,28 Es gibt viele unwiderlegliche Beweise, dass die Bibel das Wort des wahren Gottes ist, welcher der Schöpfer der Menschheit und des unergründlichen Universums ist, in dem wir...Read more
feature article
UN Human Rights Commissioner calls on Euro governments to combat "Islamophobia" [Excerpts] Oh, to be Gordon Brown or Nicholas Sarkozy for a day. Or even an hour. Just long enough to fire off a brief note to Louise Arbour, explaining that the coinage of the term "Islamophobia" is an exercise...Read more
TBC Today
Homosexuals Account for 29 Percent of Rape and Murder of Kids 29% of the 714 perpetrators who made the news for raping and killing children from 1980-2005 engaged in homosexuality. 600 (66%) of the 914 kids raped and murdered children were girls. Perpetrators were male 96% of the time. The...Read more
TBC Today
Man Says: The state of having no reason to say No is the state in which I reside at all times. You have heard it said before, and it is true: God never says No. I will give you all exactly what you desire, always. Even as I have done...Read more
TBC Today
