May 2008 |

May 2008

The world, indeed, seems to be weary of the just, righteous, holy ways of God, and of that exactness in walking according to His institutions and commands which it will be one day known that He doth require. But the way to put a stop to this declension is not...Read more
TBC Today
Hamas Will Recognize Israel ? [Excerpts] In what will assuredly be seen as one of the greater gaffes of his career, former president Jimmy Carter dramatically reassured a packed crowd of diplomats and reporters this week that Hamas would now recognize the Jewish State. Hamas, apparently, is now ready to...Read more
TBC Today

LESS THAN ONE GENERATION AGO, a majority of Americans (churched and unchurched) would have agreed philosophically on matters regarding the absolute nature of truth and error, right and wrong.Read more

tbc extra

Proverbs for DinnerRead more

tbc notes

Dear TBC,Read more


Christianity Today, 3/28/08 [Excerpts]: Sybil MacBeth, a mathematics instructor by profession, doodler and dancer by avocation, has written, and doodled, a daring devotional: Praying in Color: Drawing a New Path to God.Read more

news alert

QUESTION: If you had time to give only one argument against atheism and evolution, what would it be?Read more

question and answer

QUESTION: How can you be sure that your interpretation of the Scriptures is correct, especially when it comes to things that no one can really explain? In an article you wrote in June of 2006 titled "Cosmos and Creator" you made the following statement: "Carter claims to be a Christian.Read more

question and answer

QUESTION: Why do you say that no life exists anywhere in the universe but on Earth? I am a born-again Christian, but I don't understand why God couldn't have made other "earths" or other life forms elsewhere in this vast universe.Read more

question and answer
