May 2008 |

May 2008

QUESTION: I recently read your article titled "Cosmos and Creator" (6/06). In that article, you say the Voyager space probe would take thousands of years to reach the closest star system, Alpha Centauri.Read more

question and answer

The Christian life is not a "self-improvement" program in which I "add Jesus" to my life in order to become a better...more successful person. When Christ saves someone, He does not grant that person a fresh start...He gives that person a new life--His life!

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While a student at UCLA 60 years ago, I carefully read everything I could find written by atheists and skeptics against the Bible and Christ. Why? I wanted to know their best arguments, the better to refute them. I still keep track of the latest atheist thinking. I have never...Read more
feature article
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