The Christian life is not a "self-improvement" program in which I "add Jesus" to my life in order to become a better...more successful person. When Christ saves someone, He does not grant that person a fresh start...He gives that person a new life--His life!
This current age is perilous not because of...threats of terrorism, ungodly lawmakers, pro-active judges, insecure economy, conflicts among nations, or even the activity of Satan. No, the real problem is that Christ is being subtly moved from His proper place of preeminence to that of prominence. We...include Christ in our lives and even give Him a part in the ministry, programs, and messages of the Church--but is He preeminent?
Jerry Benjamin, Simply Singular: Is Christ Prominent or Preeminent? Little Nugget Series
It is the folly of our day that we think we can have none of His kingship in this life, yet have some claim to part of His Kingdom in the next. But for those who reject the rule of the Lord Jesus now, there is only the fearful expectation of the fury of the wrath of God, the Judge of heaven and earth.
Thomas Vincent (1634-1678)