October 2009 | thebereancall.org

October 2009

It will have been observed that what was accomplished by the founders and first missionaries of the Early Church was done through the normal working of the Holy Spirit. It is often thought that Barnabas, Paul, Luke, Timothy, Titus, Silas and the other New Testament Evangelists just suddenly and miraculously...Read more
TBC Today
On Calvinism "Turn to your Bible and read for yourself in the only two chapters in which this word predestinate or predestinated is found. The first is Romans:8:29-30 [29] For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might...Read more
TBC Today
"O how love I Thy law: it is my meditation all the day." -- Ps:119:97 (MEM.) O how love I thy law! it is my meditation all the day. See All... "Ye search (or search ye) the Scriptures: and these are they which bear witness of Me." -- John:5:39 Search...Read more
TBC Today
Eugenics Impulse Alive and Well on SCOTUS [Supreme Court of the United States] [The] United States Supreme Court has a very uneven record on the issue of eugenics. Indeed, one of the justices we lawyers are taught in law school to revere without question, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., was an...Read more
TBC Today
The arrangement of the four Gospels is in perfect harmony. In the Synoptics [Matthew, Mark, and Luke] the call is to repent. In John the emphasis is laid upon believing. Some have thought that there is inconsistency or contradiction here. But we need to remember that John wrote years after...Read more
TBC Today
Christians face trial for criticising Islam The Christian Institute is backing a new and significant religious liberty case. A Christian couple from Liverpool are being prosecuted for a criminal offence because they defended their faith and criticised Islam . A criminal trial has been set for 8 and 9 December...Read more
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