October 2009 | thebereancall.org

October 2009

Come, Let Us Reason TogetherRead more

tbc notes

Hi Dave and Tom,Read more


International Jerusalem Post, 9/2/09 [excerpts]: U.S. President Barack Obama, at a dinner to celebrate the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, praised American Muslims for enriching the nation's culture.Read more

news alert

Question: Why do you Protestants fail to see that without the tradition and pronouncements of an authoritative Church, you wouldn't know what was Scripture? The New Testament was certainly not available for many years.Read more

question and answer

Question [composite of several]: You offer Mark Dinsmore's confusing articles (TBC Extra, 4/09;7/09) with no clarification of his connection to your ministry....I was disturbed and confused as to what your purpose is for advancing his particular ideas on "Christian patriotism.&qRead more

question and answer

God delights to increase the faith of His children. We ought, instead of wanting no trials before victory, no exercise for patience, to be willing to take them from God's hand as a means. I say, and say it deliberately: trials, obstacles, difficulties, and sometimes defeats, are the very food of faith.

George MüllerRead more


The coming of the Messiah has been the great hope of the Jewish people from the very beginning. Messiah means "anointed."

The Greek equivalent is Christos. In the Old Testament, the priests (Lv 4:3, 8:12; Ps:105:15...Read more

feature article

From John Newton's Letters

Dear Friend,Read more

tbc extra
La venida del Mesías ha sido la gran esperanza de la gente judía desde el principio. La palabra "Mesías" significa "ungido". La palabra equivalente en el idioma griego es "Cristos". En el Antiguo Testamento, los sacerdotes (Levítico 4:3, 8:12; Salmo 105:15) y reyes ( 1 Samuel:15:1 Samuel also said unto...Read more
feature article
