October 2011 | thebereancall.org

October 2011

The Slave Reparations Racket [Excerpts] In another case of anti-Western grievance-mongering at the United Nations, the leaders of two Caribbean nations are calling for slave reparations from Western nations that profited from the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Recently, the U.N. General Assembly heard from the prime ministers of two twin-island Caribbean...Read more
TBC Today
District vindicates student who objected to homosexuality [Excerpts] A Texas school district where a student was removed from class and written up on allegations of "bullying" after he expressed his Bible-based opinion about homosexuality has been vindicated by school officials. The case involved student Dakota Ary, who said to a...Read more
TBC Today
Christian GP in legal battle after asking 'suicidal' patient about his faith [Excerpts] A doctor accused of ‘inappropriately’ discussing his devout Christian faith during a consultation with a patient yesterday launched a legal battle to avoid being sanctioned. Dr Richard Scott, 51, appeared before a disciplinary hearing after allegedly talking...Read more
TBC Today
Killing and the Koran in the Light of the Arab Spring [Excerpts] Muslims have been persecuting Christians ever since the time of Muhammed. But in the wake of the so-called “Arab Spring,” such activity seems to be on the rise throughout much of the Islamic world, now that Muslims in...Read more
TBC Today
Everybody wants to be happy. That is the great motive behind every act and ambition, behind all work and all striving and effort. Everything is designed for happiness. But the great tragedy of the world is that, though it gives itself to seek for happiness, it never seems to be...Read more
TBC Today
[TBC: We have seen how dominionism is becoming the eschatological position of many professing Christians, from Calvinists to Charismatics. Here is how the scheme works out in the understanding of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR).] King of the Mountain [Excerpts] Several years ago, on August 20, 2007, C. Peter Wagner...Read more
TBC Today
Das ist die pdf Version des TBC Rundbriefes vom Oktober 2011.Read more
DIE EHEMALIGE GROSSE ENTRÜCKUNGSTHEORIE? Von Dave Hunt Auszug aus WHATEVER HAPPENED TO HEAVEN? Es ist untertrieben zu sagen, dass frische Winde mit Sturmstärke durch die geheiligten Hallen der Tradition wehen. Wissenschaftliche Entdeckungen schreiten in Quantensprüngen fort, Computertechnologie explodiert buchstäblich und... Kommunikationsnetzwerke bringen dieses rasch sich ausweitende Wissen in Windeseile in...Read more
Dave Hunt Classic
Ausschlaggebende Theologie für Kritische Zeiten Aus Millennial Eschatology von Ron Merryman (Auszüge) DIE WIRTSCHAFTLICHE KATASTROPHE 2008, die Banksysteme und Märkte weltweit zum Einsturz brachte, veranlasste die Amerikaner auch, eine Regierung zu wählen, die eine Neue Ära zentralisierter und gewaltiger Regierungsmacht einführte. Nach den Wahlen lautete die Schlagzeile auf dem Titelblatt...Read more
tbc extra
Ankündigung der 2012 TBC Konferenz Wieder einmal hatten wir durch Gottes Gnade eine phantastische Konferenz hier im schönen Bend, Oregon. Die Botschaften, vorgestellt in einer Atmosphäre wunderbarer Gemeinschaft und großer Ermutigung, waren enorm aufbauend. Deshalb planen wir, so der Herr will, es nächstes Jahr wieder zu tun und haben bereits...Read more
tbc notes
