October 2011 | thebereancall.org

October 2011

Excerpted from WHATEVER HAPPENED TO HEAVEN?Read more

Dave Hunt Classic

from Millennial Eschatology by Ron Merryman (Excerpts)Read more

tbc extra

Announcing TBC's 2012 Conference

Once again, by God's grace, we had a terrific conference here in beautiful Bend, Oregon. The messages, presented in an atmosphere of wonderful fellowship and great encouragement, were tremendously edifying.Read more

tbc notes

Hi Dave,Read more



news alert

Question: The "Christian Identity" movement is huge in the United States. It's a "conservative" sway away from Scripture. They are using Scripture to say that the 10 "lost" tribes of Israel are the "Aryan race," though they don't use those words. They also state that racism is acceptable. Could you please discuss this?Read more

question and answer

Question: You and your people are by no means Bereans. You have taken away very important truths of the Bible and have replaced them with falsities. Let me point out that "faith without works is dead." A dead faith will get you nothing from the Lord.Read more

question and answer

Question: I have wondered about the "Queen of Heaven" (Jeremiah 44) that the people of Judah were burning incense to. Who was this "Queen" they were venerating? I wonder if they were putting her ahead of God? [TBC: Attached to this question was an article from a Catholic apologist disavowing any connection to Mary as the Queen of Heaven.]Read more

question and answer

Question: I just read about how Governor Perry's prayer meeting got started.Read more

question and answer

Second Corinthians 5:10 assures us, "We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad." Do you really believe as a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ that there will be a day on which you will stand before His throne?Read more

