December 2011 |

December 2011

Planned Parenthood chaplain exposed [Excerpts] A man identifying himself as Vincent Lachina claiming to be "an ordained Southern Baptist minister" with Mississippi roots turned up in Tupelo at a public hearing in early August on Initiative 26, also known as the Personhood Amendment that would define human life as beginning...Read more
TBC Today
Is Socialism’s True Father—Satan? [Excerpts] The bible of modern community activists—Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals—contains a surprising yet highly illustrative dedication, a paean to Satan. And as unorthodox as this move might seem, it is actually a Marxist trope to dedicate oneself to the Devil. In fact, many early socialists...Read more
TBC Today
Discouragement often hits when you are physically and emotionally exhausted. Elijah went through this experience, you'll recall (1 Kings 18-19). He even prayed that he might die! God's answer was to rest him, feed him, and reveal Himself in the "still small voice" that gave renewed courage and vision. Rest,...Read more
TBC Today
Persecution Continues for Pastor of Chinese House Church A few months ago I shared with you that I have two friends who went to China on long term missions trips. One is a young man who decided to go to China to teach English who recently sent me a note...Read more
TBC Today
Saudi King Abdullah's Interfaith Center in Vienna to Unify the World's Religions? [Excerpts] King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has been planning for years to find a way to unite the world's major religions in an effort to help foster peace, and believes a new international organization to be housed in...Read more
TBC Today
This is the PDF version of The Berean Call Newsletter. We've had some reports of the newsletter "not looking right" when it opens. Please make sure you have the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. This is a free download, available at: more

Presented at the Pre-Trib Study Group Conference, December 2005.Read more

Dave Hunt Classic
