December 2011 |

December 2011

Dear Friends,Read more

tbc notes

Dear Mr. T. A. McMahon,Read more



news alert

Question: I was always taught from Isaiah 14 that Satan was a fallen angel originally named Lucifer.Read more

question and answer

Question: Doug Batchelor, the Seventh day Adventist teacher with the Amazing Facts prophecy seminars, has tried to say that the word "everlasting" (Matthew:25:46), as in the "everlasting" punishment of hell, doesn't necessRead more

question and answer

Question: A while back, my daughter and I visited a local church and [they] gave an altar call for people who had some special need. My daughter, who had been looking for work nearer to home, went up and asked for prayer.Read more

question and answer

Question: I believe in the Pre-trib Rapture and could be considered a dispensationalist, but I remember when Israel captured the temple mount in the Six-Day WarRead more

question and answer

Question: In view of Romans:1:8; Colossians:1:6,23, and Acts:17:6, it would appear that all the world Read more

question and answer

I prayed for Faith, and thought that some day Faith would come down and strike me like lightning. But Faith did not seem to come.Read more

Publicado originalmente Diciembre, 2006 Cuando mencionamos el día que Cristo nació, no quiere decir que nos estamos refiriendo al 25 de Diciembre. Ese día puede o puede no haber sido cuando Cristo nació. Existen teorías conflictivas a este respecto: 1) Una teoría dice que el 25 de Diciembre fue seleccionado...Read more
feature article
