October 2012 | thebereancall.org

October 2012

Christians Arrested for Preaching in New Orleans After Sunset; Police Vow to Target Churches Next [Excerpts] A pastor and five members of his ministry team were arrested [September 14] in New Orleans, Louisiana for preaching on Bourbon Street after sunset. Bourbon Street is located in the French Quarter, and is...Read more
TBC Today
Faith and works should travel side by side, step answering to step, like the legs of men walking. First faith, and then works; and then faith again, and then works again--until they can scarcely distinguish which is the one and which is the other. --William Booth (Founder of the Salvation...Read more
TBC Today
The Karl Principle: Evangelicals Rejecting God’s Word [Excerpts] Recently, I was inadvertently directed to a year old post [and] I thought I would offer a few comments. It represents one of those remorseful, head-wagging invectives against what is perceived as idiocy within evangelical circles. In a nutshell, the authoress cites...Read more
TBC Today
Bill Maher: We need to promote death [Excerpts] During a recent appearance on the StarTalk Radio Show, Real Time host Bill Maher expressed his desire to see more people killed via abortion, suicides and the death penalty because “the planet is too crowded and we need to promote death.” Asked...Read more
TBC Today
RU 486 Abortion Drug Killing Women in Developing Nations [Excerpts] (CFAM/LifeNews) — Several new studies have found abortion drugs – touted as a solution to illegal, unsafe abortions – are linked to increased maternal deaths and suffering. One study from Sri Lanka found “in developing countries, [medical abortions] widespread misuse...Read more
TBC Today
Joel Osteen Unsure If Jesus Was Poor, Says 'His Needs Were Supplied' [Excerpts] Lakewood Church leader Joel Osteen, one of the most popular megachurch pastors in the world, has spoken in an interview about the prosperity gospel some say he teaches and offered his thoughts on whether Jesus was poor...Read more
TBC Today
Jesus zieht andere Seiten auf… Teil 2 T.A. McMahon In dieser zweiteiligen Reihe betrachten wir Eigenschaften Jesus, die deutlich in der Schrift offenbart, in der Gemeinde heute aber anscheinend vermieden oder abgelehnt werden. Wie wir in Teil 1 vermerkten, stellt sich Jesus dem Johannes in Kapitel 1 der Offenbarung in...Read more
feature article
Teilst du dem Herrn alles in deinem Leben mit, das dich bewegt? Erwartest du, Er sei vielleicht an kleinen und relativ unwichtigen Details interessiert? Er will, dass du alles zu Ihm bringst, und es sind Seine Antworten in den kleinen Dingen, die uns Seine intime Nähe und Treue hochschätzen lassen...Read more
Frage : Hat schon mal jemand etwas über den säkularen Ankauf [von christlichen Firmen] geschrieben, und die Auswirkung, die das auf christliche Veröffentlichungen hat? Warum sollten Christen dies überhaupt erst zulassen? Antwort : Diese einst soliden christlichen Verlage sind in den Händen von Individuen, die die Vision der Begründer verloren...Read more
question and answer
