April 2017 | thebereancall.org

April 2017

In an article she published in the Egyptian daily Al-Ahram on March 8, 2017, on the occasion of International Women's Day, columnist Asmaa Al-Husseini wrote that the dire situation of women in the world, especially in the Arab region and Africa, stems from a deliberate policy of the regimes and...Read more
TBC Today
Nuggets from “ An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith ” by Dave Hunt – Does Peace Come by Finding Ourselves or by Being Delivered from Ourselves? Yes, God in His grace will give us crowns and rewards and we will even hear from our Lord’s lips, “Well done, thou...Read more
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Nuggets from “ An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith ” by Dave Hunt – But How May We Love Him? To love God with our whole heart and our neighbors as ourselves is not something we can produce by self-effort. Love for our fellows must be the expression of...Read more
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A discovery by Swiss scientists assigns a purpose to previously misunderstood portions of human DNA and evidences the work of complex, precise design in the universe. Within the human body are millions of mysterious little pieces of genetic material called jumping genes. For a long time, scientists considered these little...Read more
TBC Today
Nuggets from “ An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith ” by Dave Hunt – Turning from Self to God Praise God that our song for eternity will be, “Worthy is the Lamb ” ( Revelation:5:12 Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive...Read more
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There is a strange ring of feeling and emotion in these reactions [of scientists to evidence that the universe had a sudden beginning]. They come from the heart whereas you would expect the judgments to come from the brain. Why? I think part of the answer is that scientists cannot...Read more
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Nuggets from “ An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith ” by Dave Hunt – God Loves Us in Spite of Who We Are We often find it difficult, especially in trying circumstances, to rest in God’s great love for us – no doubt because deep in our hearts we...Read more
TBC Today
[The week of March 12], the Jerusalem Post and other news agencies reported that in a Paris suburb, two Jewish brothers wearing kippot (Jewish skullcaps) were attacked while driving their car by Middle Easterners driving another car. According to a case report: "While the vehicle was in motion, the driver...Read more
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