April 2017 | thebereancall.org

April 2017

In the movie, “Arrival,” a group of scientists try to break the language barrier between humanity and an extraterrestrial race that’s landed on Earth. These visitors have not come to make war, but to offer us a gift. I won’t spoil it for you, but I will say that the...Read more
TBC Today
Images appeal to the flesh. Beauty is only skin deep. Solomon says that “charm is deceitful and beauty is vain” ( Proverbs:31:30 Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised. See All... [NASB]) and Peter warns against outward attractiveness and...Read more
TBC Today
Lord, enable us to search our hearts and humble ourselves before Thee. Oh, for a closer walk with God, more faith, more sincerity, more earnestness, and more love. I must study more the Word of God. 'If ye abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatsoever ye...Read more
TBC Today
A campaign has been launched to award the Nobel Peace Prize to the Bulgarian Independent Orthodox Church for 'heroic acts' to protect Jews in the Holocaust. The campaign is being led by Bulgarian-Israeli lawyer Moshe Aloni, according to The Jerusalem Post. The church voted unanimously in condemnation of anti-Semitic laws...Read more
TBC Today
If loving others is so transforming, how much more so to genuinely and deeply love God. How can this come about? God is so great, so far beyond our finite ability to comprehend, that it seems impossible to know Him. And it is impossible to love a person (except with...Read more
TBC Today
Dave Hunt — First published in January 2004 [ This article by Dave Hunt was written in January of 2004. Although it speaks directly regarding the plans of the world’s government leaders for Israel that were contrary to the Scriptures, it also sends a message to our newly formed US...Read more
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