September 2018 |

September 2018

Entre las muchas cosas que separan al Cristianismo bíblico de todos los otros sistemas de creencia religiosa, hay dos verdades que se destacan a mi parecer como muy significativas. La primera es que nuestro Dios y Creador infinito se ha comunicado directamente con nosotros, sus creados seres finitos, a través...Read more
feature article
One of the most powerful occult practices known today is called “remote viewing,” to be dealt with in depth in the next chapter. Its practitioners claim that information of any kind can be obtained, no matter how far removed from the viewer by space or even past or future time...Read more
TBC Today
Durante uno de los viajes misioneros del Apóstol Pablo él visitó la ciudad Griega de Berea. Allí predicó en la sinagoga de los Judíos. Lucas, escribiendo en el libro de los Hechos, menciona la experiencia de Pablo en ése lugar elogiando a los Judíos (17:10-11) por ser de noble mente...Read more
feature article
If the physical/material universe is all there is, then every facet of occultism (which necessarily occurs in a nonphysical universe) is simply a delusion. There is, however, far too much evidence in support of so-called ESP, telekinesis, precognition, poltergeist activity and other forms of the occult to allow one to...Read more
TBC Today
In the U.S. Gulf Coast region, the Upper Jurassic Norphlet Sandstone rests right on top of thousands of feet of Middle Jurassic salt, known as the Louann Salt. Secular geologists believe this sandstone layer was deposited by the windblown accumulation of sand in an arid environment. These kinds of deposits...Read more
TBC Today
If you have trouble opening the pdf in your browser we would recommend that you right click on the pdf link (attached below) then click on the command to Download Linked File or Download Linked File As (or similar command),and save the pdf to your desktop or documents. This will...Read more
A study conducted in Spain is suggesting there's a biological basis for transgender identity. It involved a single MRI done on the brains of 42 transgender people of both born genders. The study – discussed in a January 2016 Scientific American article – indicated the males had brains associated with...Read more
TBC Today
For materialism to be a valid theory, human personality and behavior would have to be explicable in purely scientific terms and subject to modification according to the laws of physical science . It would therefore be theoretically possible to precisely predict human behavior and to reprogram personality. Otherwise there could...Read more
TBC Today
From Moses we know that 6000 years ago the world did not exist. But of this no philosopher can in any way be persuaded….But all these [philosopher’s] disputations, though subtle and clever, are not to the point in question.…Equally useless is it to consider Moses in the beginning of his...Read more
TBC Today
