On February 25, 1536 Jakob Hutter was burned at the stake in Innsbruck. “Come closer, those of you who contradict me!” he called out. “Let us test our faith in the fire. This fire will harm my soul as little as the fiery furnace harmed Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.” Jacob...Read more
It's a rock-solid Western conviction: All men—and women—are created equal. But where does it come from? Well, not the Enlightenment. Few modern historians have done more to educate the public about the ancient and classical world than Tom Holland. His 2004 book, "Rubicon: The Last Years of the Roman Republisc,"...Read more
The proliferation and popularity of psychic networks is evident by the commercials on TV and in newspaper ads. Occultism is one of the growth industries of our time. In November 1996 USA Today reported: “Kabbalah is the rage in Tinseltown…. ‘It’s the kind of thing Jews don’t talk about,’ [TV’s]...Read more
Access our most popular content using our mobile app! Available for iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and Kindle! Watch on your television using Apple TV or Roku.Read more
If you have trouble opening the pdf in your browser we would recommend that you right click on the pdf link (attached below) then click on the command to Download Linked File or Download Linked File As (or similar command),and save the pdf to your desktop or documents. This will...Read more
Tom: As Gary mentioned, our topic for today is “ Apostasy .” We’re going to define it and discuss what the Bible has to say about it. Our guest is G. Richard Fisher. He’s a retired pastor, author of the The Confusing World of Benny Hinn , and contributing writer...Read more
Occult powers that produce results which cannot be explained by material science are found in the practice of almost every religion, from much that calls itself Christianity to paganism, idolatry, witchcraft, and Satanism. Occultism is present even in religions which are opposed to one another. For example, it is found...Read more
“He spake, and there came divers sorts of flies, and lice in all their coasts” ( Psalm:105:31 He spake, and there came divers sorts of flies, and lice in all their coasts. See All... ). Flying insects have been a huge mystery to scientists, especially those who believe in evolution...Read more
Of particular interest is the fact that, as the Smithsonian article documents, dowsing is now being used to uncover all sorts of information—answers to virtually every question one could ask. Dowsing, then, is simply another form of “divination” (any occult technique for obtaining information and help from the spirit world...Read more