November 2018 |

November 2018

That there are mysterious forces in the universe no one can deny. A Force beyond human understanding holds the nucleus of the atom together and somehow supplies energy to the electrons in orbit around the nucleus. The universe is filled with mysteries which science is unable to explain. Although we...Read more
TBC Today
A major unanswered question for evolution is: why are humans the only species that can talk? Secular researchers have tried to find an answer since Darwin’s day, but so far they have not found satisfactory answers. One theory is that only humans possess the anatomy that allows speech. 1 But...Read more
TBC Today
The basic foundation of occultism is the belief that an infinite Force pervades the universe which those initiated into its secrets can use to their own ends. How one controls this Force varies with each school of occultism. For some, it is essential to make contact with spirit beings or...Read more
TBC Today
Ellen White strongly suggested that not only Jesus but also His Father had physical bodies. Here are two of her quotes establishing her belief that Jesus Himself told her God has a body: "I have often seen the lovely Jesus, that He is a person. I asked Him if His...Read more
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Before we can pray, "Lord, Thy Kingdom come," we must be willing to pray, "My Kingdom go.” ― Alan Redpath (9 January 1907 – 16 March 1989, British evangelist, pastor and author)Read more
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After listening to hours of tapes and trying to follow the charges and countercharges flying back and forth between remote viewers on the Internet, one does not know whom to believe. Nor can we check up on those who claim to have been involved in top-secret government projects that still...Read more
TBC Today
In Acts 19, Luke describes a frenzied riot at Ephesus, a city in the Roman province of Asia in modern-day Turkey….According to Acts, the riot would have occurred at the end of the missionary visit of Paul at Ephesus (around 55 or 56 C.E.). How accurate is Luke’s description of...Read more
TBC Today
The person calling the Gil Gross Show presses Professor Brown: “Have you heard from religious leaders about your book? Because in your book there’s other things that people might find more shocking…you say that you’ve communicated by remote viewing with Jesus [and] Buddha….” “Look, the reason remote viewing works,” says...Read more
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