November 2018 |

November 2018

Professor Courtney Brown’s book, Cosmic Journey , contains unusual information obtained through remote viewing of the alleged presence and activities of ETs on Mars and Earth. As a result, Brown has been in demand on radio talk shows. On the popular “Gil Gross Show” a caller mentioned that in his...Read more
TBC Today
The more DNA sequencing technologies improve, the worse it gets for the evolutionary paradigm. Such is the case with the newest version of the chimpanzee genome. Since evolutionists speculate that humans and chimps shared a common ancestor about three to six million years ago, their theory requires a human-chimp DNA...Read more
TBC Today
As some 38,000 Ahmadi Muslims from more than 110 countries gathered in the countryside outside London this past August for the fast-growing [movement’s] annual convention, thousands of Ahmadis camped out in tents less than a mile from a small house. For the three days of the convention, or Jalsa, Mirza...Read more
TBC Today
After some further dialogue Fr. Martin remarks, “I would have illimitable trust in the methods that Major Ed Dames uses and the techniques. I have no qualms whatsoever, I really have not.” “I find that remarkable…” says Art Bell, with obvious pleasure. “Many Christians, people who call this program or...Read more
TBC Today
Prayer, to the patriarchs and prophets, was more than the recital of well-known and well-worn phrases. It was the outpouring of the heart. Beset by perils, persecutions, pain and privations, they naturally turned to God in their need, believing that He was able to redeem them out of their troubles...Read more
TBC Today
A few prefatory words: I was invited to give a talk in Gothenburg, Sweden, on Saturday, September 29, as part of an “Alternative Book Fair.” The Gothenburg Book Fair was being held that weekend, and the point of the alternative event was to highlight books – mostly about Islam ,...Read more
TBC Today
Getting back to the discussion, Dames explains that he has a healthy fear of these evil entities—not a fear of harm to himself, he hastens to explain, because of his “connection with God and angels.” He adds, “That is the only reason I can deal in this area.” What delusion!...Read more
TBC Today
Art Bell interrupts and asks Malachi Martin whether there would be a relatively safe way to do what Ed Dames does. Martin replies, “Absolutely.” He says that Dames “laid out a system of checks and balances” and has “an intimate knowledge of the entities occupying this region in which he...Read more
TBC Today
“All fowls that creep, going upon all four, shall be an abomination unto you. Yet these may ye eat of every flying creeping thing that goeth upon all four, which have legs above their feet, to leap withal upon the earth” ( Leviticus:11:20-21 [20] All fowls that creep, going upon...Read more
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