August 2019 |

August 2019

Ateos alegan que de acuerdo al "mito" del Jardín del Edén, lo maligno empezó de una manera demasiado inocente para que sea la raíz de donde ha germinado toda la maldad que existe en la tierra. Adán y Eva solamente comieron la fruta prohibida, un acto tan inofensivo que realmente...Read more
feature article
[Continued from previous post] “That summer our whole family went to Mackinac. A few weeks after we arrived Mom, with red-rimmed eyes, asked us three children to sit with her at a big round table…. It had been the team’s ‘guidance’ that Mom had to tell us how she and...Read more
TBC Today
Hay un dicho en latín que es similar a lo que significa ser un Bereano. Los Bereanos eran Judíos a quienes el apóstol Pablo habló en la sinagoga en la ciudad griega de Berea. Lucas los felicitó (Hechos 17:10-11) por haber escuchado lo que Pablo y Silas tenían que decir...Read more
feature article
If you have trouble opening the pdf in your browser we would recommend that you right click on the pdf link (attached below) then click on the command to Download Linked File or Download Linked File As (or similar command),and save the pdf to your desktop or documents. This will...Read more
Behind the apparent success of this movement lies the entrapping delusion of occult guidance. Its worldwide triumphs hide the tragic stories of confusion, immorality, and ruined lives. A new magazine produced by David Belden, Forum on MRA , has become a medium of expression for those who wish at long...Read more
TBC Today
The scientific literature contains over 100 examples of original biomaterials in fossils. 1 These include a few decades’ worth of reports, using at least a few dozen independent techniques to target specific vertebrate biochemicals—such as the hardy protein collagen. One team of skeptics recently published a report trying to disprove...Read more
TBC Today
[The week of the 4th of July] the Associated Press ran a hit job on a successful American businessman. Simon Falic and his two brothers own the Duty Free Americas chain, a private company that runs duty free stores in airports throughout the United States and Latin America. They also...Read more
TBC Today
Many Christian groups which started out well have departed from the faith because they didn’t want to be perceived as narrow-minded and felt that softening their language would help them reach a wider audience. The initial compromise, to reach “key people,” only gets worse. Such was the case with YMCA...Read more
TBC Today
