August 2019 |

August 2019

Years ago a simple Jewish tentmaker spoke these words, “Whatsoever a man sows, that will he also reap” ( Galatians:6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. See All... ). That truth is as valid for a nation as it...Read more
TBC Today
No two people are exactly alike. Therefore, attempting to classify each unique individual’s mental health issues into neat categories just doesn’t work. That’s the claim coming out of the United Kingdom that is sure to ruffle some psychologists’ feathers. More people are being diagnosed with mental illnesses than ever before...Read more
TBC Today
The influence of Moral ReArmament can be seen in the New Age movement in the world and is also very evident within the church. Frank Buchman, the Lutheran pastor who wanted so badly to change the world that he compromised the gospel and embraced new revelations through occult guidance, was...Read more
TBC Today
God Calling repeats the same lies found in A Course in Miracles , which also purports to be Christ’s words today. There are other similar channeled materials. One of the more recent is titled The Jesus Letters . Like God Calling , it was allegedly “received” from Jesus Christ by...Read more
TBC Today
The last time I checked, sharks didn’t swim on land. Most shark species inhabit saltwater oceans. Maybe tyrannosaurs swam some, but they didn’t dwell in oceans. Yet somehow sharks and tyrannosaurs died and were buried together. This curious combination calls for a big rethink on an issue that a new...Read more
TBC Today
The emphasis upon religious experiences rather than truth, and the power of such experiences to convince recipients that they have been touched by God, is a common denominator in most cults ( Mormonism ’s “burning in the bosom,” for example) and especially in the occult. It matters little whether the...Read more
TBC Today
New evidence has revealed that the ancient people most known for their biblical conflict with the Israelites were immigrants to the region in the 12th century BCE. “For 30 years, we excavated at Ashkelon, uncovering Canaanites, early Philistines and later Philistines – and now we can begin to understand the...Read more
TBC Today
Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of Christ” does not mean that you accommodate yourself to wrong teaching and doctrine, that you say nothing when falsehood is being propagated…" —Dr. Martyn Lloyd Jones (1899–1981, Welsh Protestant minister and medical doctor).Read more
Bible Survival
Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of Christ” does not mean that you accommodate yourself to wrong teaching and doctrine, that you say nothing when falsehood is being propagated…" —Dr. Martyn Lloyd Jones (1899–1981, Welsh Protestant minister and medical doctor).Read more
TBC Today
