June 2020 | thebereancall.org

June 2020

An article appeared recently in the “Space + Science ” section of CNN’s website . This piece was titled, “Ancient humans are having a moment— Here are the fascinating things we’re learned this week about our ancestors .” The lengthy article then described a series of discoveries and , more...Read more
TBC Today
[A few examples from a long list.] [On March 28 the Saylani Welfare International Trust] (...of Islam 's five pillars), "is reserved for Muslims....Abid Qadri, a member of Saylani Welfare,... handed out food cards in his area. But, when they got to Christian homes, they just moved on." — Shafique...Read more
TBC Today
Psychologists have developed several hundred rival theories and several thousand therapies. Any primitive superstition or newly invented scam, from Primal Scream to Rebirthing and Past Life Regression, becomes legitimate when it is labeled “therapy.” In an article titled “ Psychology Goes Insane, Botches Role As Science ,” psychologist Roger Mills...Read more
TBC Today
About 250 years ago, the King of Sweden had troubling doubts about whether the Bible was really true in every word. He asked Count von Zinzendorf, bishop of the Moravian Church, to give him proof that the Bible was truly inspired of God. The King had set aside 10 hours...Read more
TBC Today
The conference room quickly filled. Already the first day of workshops had wrapped up, and a strange combination of giddy anticipation and serious intentionality was in the air. Greetings and hugs were shared; old friends reconnected, and newcomers were welcomed with nods and smiles. People were visibly excited, for the...Read more
TBC Today
In her excellent expose of psychology , Manufacturing Victims, Dr. Tana Dineen points out that “what the Psychology Industry has persuaded people to believe and what has actually been proven are quite different.” She suggests that if psychologists “were to look honestly at what they are doing it would cause...Read more
TBC Today
In 2015 I wrote about an article from the New Yorker magazine titled “The Trip Treatment,” subheading: “Research into psychedelics, shut down for decades, is now yielding exciting results.” What drew my attention to the New Yorker article was not so much my interest in the drug scene of 2015...Read more
feature article
A similar vote decides which newly invented mental illnesses will be included in the latest Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. One psychologist who attended the DSM-III-R hearing remarked sadly: “The low level of intellectual effort was shocking. Diagnoses were developed by majority vote on the level we would use to choose...Read more
TBC Today
