June 2020 | thebereancall.org

June 2020

Much psychotherapy involves hypnotizing the patient for regression into the past, or some other means of placing the patient in a highly suggestible state. While the therapist exercises verbal control, other minds could exert mental control. Edgar Mitchell engaged in seemingly successful experiments communicating with earth through telepathy during his...Read more
TBC Today
[TBC: The Neogene ( according to evolutionists) is a geologic period (and system) spanning 20.45 million years to the beginning of the today's Quaternary Period 2.58 million years ago.] A newly published analysis of four fossil molar teeth from a monkey dug up along the left bank of the Yuruá...Read more
TBC Today
Experiments seemed to indicate that the human mind could influence physical matter at distances far beyond the range of any detectable emanations from the brain. In fact, from the days of Anton Mesmer it had been noted that some hypnotized subjects could “see” events occurring many miles away. There was...Read more
TBC Today
The long-awaited opening of Pope Pius XII’s wartime records only lasted a week before the coronavirus shut the Vatican archives down again, but that was long enough for documents to emerge that reflect badly on the pontiff accused of silence during the Holocaust, according to published reports . In that...Read more
TBC Today
God showed me that He didn’t need my strong back or my weak mind, but what He needed was a channel through which He could work. — Paul Fleming (Founder of New Tribes Mission, commenting on the battle with a massive malaria attack that removed him from the mission field...Read more
TBC Today
In his 1992 book , Consciousness Explained , Tuft University philosopher Daniel Dennett contended that “consciousness—and our sense that we possess a unified self—was an illusion arising out of the interaction of many different ‘subprograms’ run on the brain’s hardware.” There is just as much scientific evidence for Santa Claus...Read more
TBC Today
On Mother’s Day in 2019, Bethesda NW, a church closely aligned with Bill Johnson’s Bethel Redding, decided to worship the Mother Goddess instead of God the Father. It was painful proof of the widespread and seductive theology in William Paul Young’s book , The Shack . ( https://thewordlikefire.wordpress.com/2019/06/04/mother-goddess-worshiped-at-bethel-redding-sister-church/ ) What...Read more
TBC Today
Dawes indicts the field of psychology with “espousing principles that are known to be untrue and [with] implying techniques known to be invalid.” Indeed, in the famous Cambridge-Sommerville Youth Study, involving 650 underprivileged boys six to ten years of age (divided equally into two groups), follow-up 30 years later revealed...Read more
TBC Today
Carnegie-Mellon University professor Robyn M. Dawes wrote House of Cards: Psychology and Psychotherapy Built on Myth out of “anger, and a sense of social obligation.” Professor Dawes cites the example of a female Harvard psychiatrist whose patient committed suicide. The concern expressed by the professional board of inquiry was whether...Read more
TBC Today
