An article appeared recently in the “Space + Science” section of CNN’s website. This piece was titled, “Ancient humans are having a moment—Here are the fascinating things we’re learned this week about our ancestors.” The lengthy article then described a series of discoveries and, more importantly, their interpretations, as it relates to our supposed evolution. Several of these studies change what evolutionists thought they knew about our ancestry. One week and humanity’s evolutionary story is rewritten … again (as it has been again,and again, and again, and again . . .)!
For example, the article discussed three so-called “hominids”—Homo erectus, Paranthropus,and Australopithecus. Really, this is one human (Homo) and two ape varieties. According to a new study, these three “species,” which they refer to as “types of humans” even though two are clearly ape, lived at the same time in the same area. Then they claim this happened:
During the time all three species lived in the same area, they endured climate change as it shifted from warm and humid to cool and dry. Trees gave way to grasslands. Homo erectus simply moved on, more mobile on two legs. Paranthropus had to settle for foods that were less appealing. And the time for Australopithecus was at an end.
So this story that they’ve spun from a few bone fragments means that, within their worldview, humans and now-extinct apes lived at the same time. But only the humans, in this story, were intelligent enough to move on as the climate changed. This changes their story once again; after all, Australopithecus (think “Lucy”) was originally consideredan ancestor to humans but now they’ve reinterpreted the evidence and believe her species was living at the same time as Homo erectus, a supposed “early” human.
What this CNN article really highlights is the shifting sands of evolution—it’s a constantly changing story. Now many evolutionists will say that’s because that’s how science works—old ways of thinking are always being discarded or refined as we discover new things. But that’s really not what we see when it comes to evolution.Whatwe really witness is an idea so elastic that it doesn’t matter if the data or a new find totally contradicts everything they thought before—they just fit the story to accommodate the new data. And then they change it again in a year when a new find changes everything.Why does the model change so often? Because it’s built on flawed assumptions about the past! And it’s a blind-faith belief—a religion.
Observational evidence actually confirms God’s Word. Biblical creationists are making testable predictions about the history of humanity, and the data is confirming these predictions! I’ve been hosting a series of livestreams with Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson, a cell and developmental biologist on our research team. So far we have done six in the series (with more to come), each one building on the last and writing a new history of the human race from a study of genetics. It’s astounding to see how the genetic data confirms what we’d expect starting with God’s Word, and totally confounds evolutionary ideas about humanity.