November 2021 |

November 2021

Some who attend the Toronto services are so “drunk” that they are unable to drive home. Some are unable to board their plane home because of their bizarre and uncontrollable behavior. This is hardly glorifying to the Lord. An attempt to justify such madness is made on the basis of...Read more
TBC Today
In fact, I had been Randy Clark, pastor of the St. Louis Vineyard Christian Fellowship, who brought the laughing revival to Toronto. Clark “got it” from Rodney Howard-Browne at Kenneth Hagin, Jr.’s Rhema Bible Church in Tulsa and continues to promote the manifestation worldwide. Moreover, Clark was attracted to Howard-Browne...Read more
TBC Today
The Lord Jesus Christ deserves glory for why He made Earth’s diverse creatures, and He also deserves glory for the complicated details of how they live. Although we cannot learn all of creation’s astounding details, the Lord enabled us to learn much of what He has done. The secret (literally...Read more
TBC Today
Late in 1995 the Toronto Vineyard was removed by John Wimber from the Fellowship of Vineyard Churches and became the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship (TACF). This action has been mistakenly taken as a sign that Wimber was maturing, and rejecting some of the excesses that he once embraced. On the...Read more
TBC Today
In "Atheists Need Christianity" we pointed out that atheist, Tom Holland, is a defender of the need for Christianity in his book, "Dominion: How the Christian Revolution Remade the World" Christianity elevated women in a cruel culture. Vishal Mangalwadi, author of Third Education Revolution: From Home School To Church College,...Read more
TBC Today
More about End Times : More about Catholicism : Free eBook: In Revelation 17, the Apostle John describes in great detail the characteristics of a false church that will be the partner of the Antichrist . Was he describing the Roman Catholic Church? To answer that question,...Read more
A Woman Rides the Beast
LUKE 24:4-7 And it came to pass, as they were much perplexed thereabout, behold, two men stood by them in shining garments: And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said unto them, Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not...Read more
Get Biblical Understanding
In the months that followed, tens of thousands of seeking souls came from all over the world to “get it” at Toronto. Holy Trinity Brompton in London, as already mentioned, became the center of holy laughter for England and Europe. Toronto began to fade from prominence by mid-1996 and no...Read more
TBC Today
The preacher who measures himself by his looking glass, may please a few silly girls, but neither God nor man will long put up with him. The man who owes his greatness to his tailor, will find that needle and thread cannot long hold a fool in a pulpit. A...Read more
TBC Today
Hay un dicho que subraya lo que las Escrituras declaran continuamente: La Biblia no es un libro que los hombres podrían escribir, si desearan hacerlo o lo escribirían si pudieran. Con respecto a la primera parte del dicho, el hombre finito obviamente carece la omnisciencia de nuestro Dios infinito, por...Read more
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