November 2021 |

November 2021

The Satanic Temple (TST) is challenging a Texas law that bans most abortions after a heartbeat can be detected in the unborn child. The Satanists argue that the law restricts their right to free religious practice, referring to abortions as a “religious abortion ritual” and “a ceremony rooted in our...Read more
TBC Today
This new phenomenon became known as holy laughter and spread everywhere Howard-Browne went. He came to Oral Roberts University and Oral testified that “at the end of his message he had the longest sustained applause in the history of ORU…he changed my life and my son’s life.” The laughing revival,...Read more
TBC Today
Rodney Howard-Browne, who calls himself “the Holy Ghost bartender,” brought the laughing revival to America from South Africa. At Howard-Browne’s first meeting in Hinn’s church, the latter seemed startled at the uncontrollable laughter that turned the sanctuary into a howling asylum. Hinn soon declared to his flock, however, “This is...Read more
TBC Today
Long before the British were famous for queuing, trilobites were showing the way. This collective action is demonstrated in a series of stunning fossil finds of linear trilobite clusters in the upper Tremadocian Fezouata Shale, Morocco (figure 1). Trilobites are a group of extinct marine arthropods with a distinct three-lobed...Read more
TBC Today
At 9pm, 3 rd October 2021, Michael Masih (33 yrs) was called to work at Metropolitan Corporation Sarghoda for an emergency sewage clearance, by the Sanitary Supervisor Muhammad Farooq. This was despite still being on suspension as he awaited the result of a disciplinary hearing for an unauthorised absence from...Read more
TBC Today
On TBN’s “Praise the Lord” January 25, 1994, John Wimber said he thought that a demon in Hong Kong put a “Chinese cancer” upon him and said it would kill him. Somehow, with all of the binding of territorial spirits all over the world and claiming cities for God this...Read more
TBC Today
More about End Times : More about Catholicism : Free eBook: In Revelation 17, the Apostle John describes in great detail the characteristics of a false church that will be the partner of the Antichrist . Was he describing the Roman Catholic Church? To answer that question,...Read more
A Woman Rides the Beast
LUKE 21:28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. LUKE 21:29-31 And he spake to them a parable; Behold the fig tree, and all the trees; When they now shoot forth, ye see and know...Read more
Get Biblical Understanding
First, we may call this doctrine ( Calvinism ) a novelty, seeing that for the first four hundred years after Christ there is no mention of it. The first foundations for it were in the writings of Augustine, who, in his warring against Pelagius, let fall some expressions which some...Read more
TBC Today
Who Is Really Saved? Question: If a Roman Catholic believes wholeheartedly in the Lord Jesus Christ and is committed to serving Him as his Lord, and if he believes that the only way his sins can be forgiven is through Christ’s death as atonement for those sins, and the believer’s...Read more
Dave Hunt Classic
