March 2022 |

March 2022

A fundamental axiom of evolutionary theory is the alleged random appearance of mutations in the DNA of an organism. This supposedly creates novel genetic variation for the mystical agent called natural selection to act upon. 1 That essential premise has now been utterly debunked in a new secular research paper...Read more
TBC Today
In a similar spirit of ecumenism, Shirley Dobson, wife of Christian psychologist James Dobson, has said that the National Day of Prayer, which she chairs, “belongs to all faiths and all people. And we’re encouraging all people in their spheres of influence to come together to pray and intercede for...Read more
TBC Today
A recent UK Government consultation called for public opinion and response regarding the banning of so called ‘conversion therapy’ (aimed at re-orienting homosexuals to a heterosexual position). 1 The Humanists UK (HUK) were quick to make their feelings known and subsequently posted their response on their website. 2 HUK were...Read more
TBC Today
2 CORINTHIANS 6:3-8 Giving no offence in any thing, that the ministry be not blamed: But in all things approving ourselves as the ministers of God, in much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, in distresses, In stripes, in imprisonments, in tumults, in labours, in watchings, in fastings; By pureness, by...Read more
Get Biblical Understanding
We have seen in the movements and tendencies of the present time the preparation for the final fulfilment of the Scripture predictions. Modern pantheistic philosophy is leavening the public mind with its denials of a personal God, of man's moral freedom, and of immortality. Modern science , particularly in its...Read more
TBC Today
Were the entire world to engage in the celebration Gary proposes, it would not be a triumph for Christ and His cross, but a tragic cover-up of the world’s rejection of the salvation He offers. To propose this huge party in the name of Jesus is deception of the worst...Read more
TBC Today
Flowers are as beautiful as they are complex. Flowers (Anthophyta) are designed with a receptacle (axis) upon which are found the carpel (ovary, style stigma) and stamen (filament and anther). The petals provide colorful aesthetic value while nectar guides within the petals can only be seen by pollinating insects that...Read more
TBC Today
Indeed, Gary suggests that one need not “embrace the theological Jesus” to find him “worthy of a momentous anniversary tribute.” Instead of encouraging the “repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ” ( Acts:20:21 Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and...Read more
TBC Today
In this video (Part 5 of 5) we see how today's world events could be leading to the start of the Tribulation. What must still happen before the Tribulation starts? What will "trigger" the Tribulation? For a better understanding of this "trigger" watch The Feast of Trumpets Part 1 and...Read more
Movie Night

Das Wort Gottes steht im Mittelpunkt dieser Botschaft.

Dies ist auch eine Umfrage über die Art und Weise, wie Sie und ich über das Wort Gottes denken. Es geht darum, wie ernst wir die Bibel als das eigentliche Wort Gottes nehmen.

Ich habe selbst an der Umfrage teilgenommen, als ich...Read more

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