In a similar spirit of ecumenism, Shirley Dobson, wife of Christian psychologist James Dobson, has said that the National Day of Prayer, which she chairs, “belongs to all faiths and all people. And we’re encouraging all people in their spheres of influence to come together to pray and intercede for our nation.” Did the Pope indeed have the right idea at Assisi? Are the prayers of everyone—even animists, witch doctors, Hindus, and Buddhists—efficacious? How can evangelicals encourage pagans, occultists, and members of false religions to join with them in prayer for “God’s” blessing? Isn’t that like Elijah asking the prophets of Baal to join him in prayer for God’s blessing upon Israel, or Paul asking the priests at the temple of Diana in Ephesus and Stoics on Mars Hill to join the church in prayer for God’s blessing upon the Roman Empire?