July 2022 | thebereancall.org

July 2022

Lieber Bruder T. A. und geliebte Beröer:

Seid gegrüßt im Namen unserer gesegneten Hoffnung und des bald kommenden Königs Jesus! Ich danke Ihnen für Ihr Engagement bei der Verkündigung von Gottes allgenügendem Wort in diesen letzten Minuten der letzten Stunde. Ich habe gerade George Barnas bestätigende Studie über den zügellosen...Read more



Eines der Dinge, die ich an der Art und Weise, wie wir hier bei The Berean Call arbeiten, liebe, ist unsere absolute Abhängigkeit davon, alles im Gebet vor den Herrn zu bringen. Ich habe alles geschrieben, weil ich tatsächlich alles meine. Wie sich das in dreißig Jahren Dienst auswirkt,...Read more

tbc notes
PK puts one package Roman Catholic ecumenism with its occult connections, Reconstructionist/Kingdom Now Dominionism, and spiritual warfare with its openness to the occult. This orientation stems from its Vineyard roots. Founder Bill McCartney attends a Vineyard church. His pastor, James Ryle, is on the PK board, while a former Vineyard...Read more
TBC Today
This year we are having an "in-person" conference in Bend, Oregon August 25-27. There will also be an online conference September 1-3. Click here for more details . Both conferences will feature the same speakers Some of the speakers will be in-person and some will be prerecorded and shown on...Read more
The state of Florida is making a lot of waves lately, and the recent announcement that 41 percent of potential mathematics textbooks and materials were rejected by the Florida Department of Education is no exception. Critics responded with dismay, hinting that such decisions were based on politics rather than teaching...Read more
TBC Today
Both Reuters and the BBC have extensive stories on the Islamic hate campaign waged against spokeswoman Nupur Sharma of India's ruling party for noting that Mohammed was a pedophile, without ever explaining what it is she said. There are pages and pages of outraged responses without ever clarifying what they...Read more
TBC Today
PK (which James Dobson helped to launch with an early $10,000 gift) claims that Christian growth “begins by making some promises…we intend to keep.” Then Christians didn’t grow until PK came along? The Bible doesn’t say so, nor are these “new seven” even found in the Bible. If the Bible...Read more
TBC Today
A minister may be able to present the letter of the word of God; he may be familiar with all its commands and promises; but his sowing of the gospel seed will not be successful unless this seed is quickened into life by the dew of heaven. With­out the co-operation...Read more
TBC Today
Have you noticed that ads to help feed children in Africa, common in the 1980s and 1990s, are seldom seen today? That’s partly because Israel is making a difference in Africa. Israel took its drip irrigation and solar technology to villages across the continent, and people there now pump water...Read more
TBC Today
Promise Keepers (PK). With its Seven Promises may well be the fastest-growing religious movement in history. Actually, the first promise keepers meeting was held at the base of Mount Sinai when God gave the Ten Commandments and Israel promised to obey them. These first “promise keepers” utterly failed to fulfill...Read more
TBC Today
