October 2022 | thebereancall.org

October 2022

In a newspaper column (which we earlier quoted in part) Schuller said, “We can tell the good religion from the bad religion” by whether it is “positive.” He called upon “religious leaders…whatever their theology…to articulate their faith in positive terms.” He then called for a “massive, united effort by leaders...Read more
TBC Today
Are Good Works Essential for Salvation ? Question: James says that faith without works is dead ( James:2:20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? See All... , 26). Paul wrote, “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” ( Philippians:2:12 Wherefore, my...Read more
Dave Hunt Classic
Trustees Pass Pro-Free Speech Resolution TheCollegeFix.com, 8/10/22, “UNC-Chapel Hill Board of Trustees pass pro-free speech resolution” [Excerpts]: The University of North Carolina Board of Trustees unanimously adopted a resolution in favor of academic freedom and campus freedom of speech following a review of new student survey, The Carolina Journal reported...Read more
news alert
Circle the Wagons! One of the things we learned from our conference experience was the importance of biblical fellowship . We wanted to restore what we lost due to the Covid pandemic and we went about it in a very conservative way, numbers wise. Thanks to the generous financial support...Read more
tbc notes
“Just when we think we are not being tempted, that is the time of danger, and so it is with the church. We lean back on our laurels and say, ‘That may be true of some churches, but it is not true of us. We are increased with goods and...Read more
Dear TBC, It seems that many of those who have spent years at seminary studying man’s thoughts about God’s Word are the majority of those that climb aboard the Calvinist bandwagon. Dave Hunt, who has studied the Bible since his childhood, was not steeped in man’s interpretation of what they...Read more
Question: I have heard the term “easy believism” and “carnal Christianity,” with the first applying to the way some people “come to Christ” and the second, I suspect, to apply to what they actually become when they respond to a false, “easy” gospel. Would you please comment? Response: The best...Read more
question and answer
Question: I started a study on the “bride of Christ” and am very bothered as to why Christians use the term! Since the primary example of the church is “the body of Christ,” how can the Lord’s very own body be feminine when He is masculine? To be fair, how...Read more
question and answer
“Thus saith the LORD, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the LORD...Read more
feature article
Schuller, who claims to deal in the same common denominators of all religions, has castigated preachers “who spew forth their angry, hate-filled sermons of fire and brimstone.” Yet Jesus spoke often and firmly about hell, warning mankind without apology and in what Peale and Schuller would call “negative” terms. Schuller...Read more
TBC Today
