July 2023 | thebereancall.org

July 2023

Cuando hablo con jóvenes cristianos adultos, ya sea que estén en el trabajo o en la universidad, un mensaje que espero los anime, se refiere a la voluntad de Dios para guiar sus vidas, si ese es su deseo. Utilizo Su participación en mi propia vida a lo largo de...Read more
feature article
LUKE 9:23-25 And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save...Read more
Get Biblical Understanding
This is the PDF (Printable) Version of the TBC August 2023 Newsletter. The new LARGE PRINT version is also available by mail: Click here to order .Read more
State Senate majority leader: School boards shouldn’t decide; ‘Libraries are sacred’ Democratic lawmakers in New Jersey have proposed a bill which would deny state funds to schools that “ban” books from their libraries. So states a headline from The Philadelphia Inquirer . However, immediately below a sub-headline uses “restrict access”...Read more
TBC Today
After God, there is nothing that Dawkins and his colleagues hate more than the idea of purpose, plan, and design. They are riding the crest of a tsunami of popularity that is making fortunes for each of them. This apparatus is another product of Dawkins’s runaway imagination to go along...Read more
TBC Today
Welcome to According to God's Word. A program in which we encourage looking to the Bible alone for all of what God says about Himself, what He expects of us, and most importantly, what He has done for us that we might spend eternity with Him. The entire Romans series...Read more
According to God's Word
Dawkins and the rest of the “Four Horsemen” (Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris, and Daniel Dennett) leading the New Atheist movement deny that objective truth exists. How could truth come through random mutations, most of which are harmful? Nor is there any plan or design so that subsequent mutations build upon...Read more
TBC Today
More about The Bible: https://www.thebereancall.org/topic/bible Free eBook: https://davehunt.org Download our app: https://www.thebereancall.org/app Follow us on Social Media: https://www.thebereancall.org/social Seven stirring messages to increase your appreciation of and confidence in the Word of God! * The Authority of Scripture 4/17 * The Inerrancy of Scripture * The Sufficiency of Scripture *...Read more
Dave Hunt Classic
On our website: https://www.thebereancall.org/content/ta-mcmahon-mike-gendron-part-1 More topics on our website: https://www.thebereancall.org/topics Free eBooks: https://davehunt.org Download our app: https://www.thebereancall.org/app Follow us on Social Media: https://www.thebereancall.org/social Today and next week, we’ll be talking to Mike Gendron. Mike, along with his wife, Jane, have a ministry that addresses Roman Catholicism called Proclaiming the Gospel...Read more
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