November 2023 |

November 2023

Newly deciphered royal inscriptions from Jerusalem powerfully confirm the Bible’s testimony about Hezekiah, king of Judah. 1,2 Prior to these recent discoveries, abundant archaeological evidence already supported many details in the biblical narratives about Hezekiah. 3 But the new inscriptions specifically discuss a number of Hezekiah’s deeds—including military actions, religious...Read more
TBC Today
No one denies genetic changes of physical traits and related behavior within a species , such as the first example that Darwin used to illustrate his theory, that of the finches on the Galapagos Islands. Their beaks changed slightly. But when we ask for examples of natural selection creating new...Read more
TBC Today
The failures of the Israeli intelligence community in the Yom Kippur War in 1973 and of the American intelligence community on September 11, 2001 have been widely discussed. But there was another failure on the part of the Israeli intelligence community that merits attention: For over two years after the...Read more
TBC Today
On our Website: More about Islam : More about Israel : Free eBook: In this segment of our program, Dave Hunt and I will be discussing his new book Judgment Day! Islam, Israel, and the Nations . As we mentioned last week, it’s not a book...Read more
Judgment Day!
Here, in simple terms, is God’s primary purpose in formulating the New Covenant. It was to recover a lost humanity from the devil’s power. The heavenly Father was not willing to lose His beloved creation to the powers of hell, so He formed a redemption plan – one that came...Read more
TBC Today
We must, however, credit Dawkins with an amazingly fertile imagination. Suddenly, without explanation, example, or scientific experimental proof, natural selection has graduated from creating visible physiological characteristics to manipulating invisible emotional and psychological behavior. Does Dawkins have any factual basis to support this unique idea? If so, he’s keeping it...Read more
TBC Today
LUKE 19:47 And he taught daily in the temple. But the chief priests and the scribes and the chief of the people sought to destroy him, LUKE 20:1 And it came to pass, that on one of those days, as he taught the people in the temple, and preached the...Read more
Get Biblical Understanding
On our website: More about Islam : More about Israel : Free eBook: In this segment of our program, Dave Hunt and I will be discussing his new book Judgment Day! Islam, Israel, and the Nations . As we mentioned last week, it’s not a book...Read more
Judgment Day!
Two pastors from Alberta, Canada, who held church services in defiance of provincial public health orders, have had their names cleared after all charges against them were dropped last month. James Coates of GraceLife Church in Edmonton and Timothy Stephens of Fairview Baptist Church in Calgary spent a combined 53...Read more
TBC Today
Dawkins’s assertion that genes (which by his own admission are not conscious, know nothing of purpose, and do not look ahead) are attempting through psychological manipulation to change our brains for their own purposes is incredible. No less amazing is how genes learned psychological techniques—another mystery that Dawkins has not...Read more
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