November 2023 |

November 2023

Welcome to According to God's Word. A program in which we encourage looking to the Bible alone for all of what God says about Himself, what He expects of us, and most importantly, what He has done for us that we might spend eternity with Him. The entire Romans series...Read more
According to God's Word
Of course, much depends upon one’s definition of God. The polls consistently show 90-95 percent of Americans, year after year, believing in some sort of “God,” but a very small minority of them believe in the God of the Bible. Most of them would likely be deists of some sort,...Read more
TBC Today
Deliverance from the World of Psychics and Channelers - T. A. McMahon & Warren Smith (Part 2) More topics on our website: Free eBooks: Download our app: Follow us on Social Media: Tom welcomes guest Warren Smith, author of many books about the New Age,...Read more
Search the Scriptures 24/7
Many people think theistic evolution (aka evolutionary creation), a position held by many theologians and scientists today, represents the sensible middle ground, but is that really the case? American theologian Wayne Grudem argues that “theistic evolution completely nullifies the evidence for God’s existence in living things, and therefore significantly hinders...Read more
TBC Today More about Islam : More about Israel : Free eBook: In this segment of our program, Dave Hunt and I will be discussing his new book Judgment Day! Islam, Israel, and the Nations . As we mentioned last week, it’s not a book that you would...Read more
Judgment Day!
Although not official, the Federal Government and some states have been pushing a new morality, well not really new nor actually moral, more like immorality as defined in Scripture. But according to the Washington Examiner, at least one state seems to be making it more or less official, "Massachusetts vs...Read more
TBC Today
As evidence of our evaluation of the Darwinian movement, notice the superlatives in what Dawkins goes on to reverently utter: “Darwinian natural selection is so stunningly elegant because it solves the problem of explaining complexity in terms of nothing but simplicity. Essentially, it does it by providing a smooth ramp...Read more
TBC Today
Publicado originalmente en enero 1, 2002. Abraham es llamado "el Amigo de Dios" (Santiago 2:23), una expresión que no se usa para ninguna otra persona en la Biblia. Como resultado de esa relación, Dios hizo un "pacto eterno" con Su amigo especial (Génesis: 17:7, 13,19; 1 Crónicas: 16:16-18; Salmos: 105:8-12;...Read more
feature article
More about Islam : More about Israel : Free eBook: Tom: In this segment of our program, we’re beginning our discussions of Dave Hunt’s new book Judgment Day! Islam, Israel, and the Nations , which has just rolled off the press. Dave, the title is certainly thought-provoking...Read more
Judgment Day!
Given Evidence and Reason, Why Faith? Question: If evidence and reason are essential parts of faith, I don’t see why God should demand faith at all. Why not give us the proof of everything? To have to take that step of faith seems unreasonable to me. Response: The answer to...Read more
Dave Hunt Classic
